Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Here is your reading for next week!


Please post your thoughts on this article on the class blog for next week.


  1. Hi Everyone, Your hypertext assignment will be posted by the end of the week. In the meantime, get to work on your reading!

  2. The Reading...Its funny because I actually printed the article out because I hate reading long articles on the web, and that is what I felt this article was about. I however have never been a big "book" reader, so for me all reading is the same. I do understand how this person feels, however, as they said thru the past there has always been a new and improved technology...writing, printing etc. I feel that it is/will change how we read, but I think it is the natural process. Unless we all jump back to the "old time" methods of living, we have to keep up with technology.

  3. I think what the author is say is true. Because I had the hardest time sitting and reading this! I think we have to adjust with the times. Just like the article said about once the clock came out people started to adjust their way of life by the time. And if we stay in the past we will never grow and learn more as people.

  4. So i finished the reading and i also feel like the machine should be approched with a little bit of synicalism but also with some open mindedness. The internet is what our world is becoming so without it we may as well be living in the back woods using our sundials. im not saying that is a bad idea its just a very hard lifestyle to go to after living the current lifestyle at hand. When the author said the humans may end up being the machine and the machine becomeing more emotional i felt some realness to that considering everytime i have a question my brain instanty goes "google it". Whereas if google has a qeuestion it finds it and records it. But what we cannot forget is that WE are giving it its information and we should embrace this and make our brains go deeper. There is so mcuh about he internet i do not knwo about and i feel very ignorant. I feel if we let the internet do our thinking then yes we will be very 2 dementional thinkers and will forever depend on google. But the internet is here for us to learn from, and grow from. Maybe we should have listent o Socrate and never developed the process of writing, we wouldnt not be in this situation..but we are so lets keep up with the net. and make it our "bitch". i geuss what im saying is jsut be aware and conscious of what we are reading not reading skiping over and typing.

  5. i also have a response on my blog as a video

  6. This article makes a very good point. Like most of you, I struggled reading this article about half way through. I love to read books, but I'll admit, before I read, I Wikipedia the title and read the plot. If I'm uninterested in the plot, I don't bother reading the book. I'm also a fan of the 'find' command when I'm doing research so I don't have to read the whole article.

  7. I think the article talks about the way people have changed technologically. Books vs E-books. I think that as more things are invited we as people will no longer see the values of a library if we can find what we want online. I personally love reading online i go to sites like Fanfiction.net and people write their own stories post them and people can read and review them. Technology changes all the time and people change with the time.

  8. Even though I agree with what the author is saying I also think that our new technology has helped us. But just because it has helped us doesn't mean that we shouldn't use books, newspapers, etc. It's really up to the person and how they decide to find and read about information. The internet does help us learn because it allows us to have access to things that we might not have access to.

  9. We seem to have created a monster, more commonly known as the internet. We use it every day for countless things, because we are all about being fast. But it seems that we’re losing something in the process. We are now living in a world where our everyday language is abbreviated into messages like “LOL”, and the most we read is the status updates on our FaceBook pages. We are no longer challenging our brains, leaving some wondering what is going to happen in years to come.

    Since the invention of the internet, the way that we live, learn, and communicate has been changing rapidly. I believe that this is the main point Nicholas Carr is trying to make in the article “Is Google Making Us Stupid”. It seems to me that throughout the article he’s almost asking the question, Is this a a good thing, or a bad thing? While reading the article, I was trying to weigh the pros and cons. To me it seems to be pretty even.

    This article reminds me of the Mike Judge movie, Idiocracy. Where actor Luke Wilson is frozen in a time capsule and wakes up in the year 2505 only to find out that technology has made everyone stupid. Although this comedy seems a little far-fetched I think that certain aspects are pretty believable. At the rate technology is evolving more and more things will become automated. Think about it, we’ve already replaced things like maps, operators, movie and grocery store clerks, bank tellers, and so much more. What Nicholas Carr is worried about is relying on these things so much that our children and our children’s children will be completely reliant on technology, ultimately lowering their intelligence.

  10. i agree that in today's date everything go to do with computers, however, when it comes to read anything we would like to search for more information to see different opinions or articles and if at the beggining it seems excited and then it get bored we search for something else that could be more excited, because we all want to be entertaint we things we do in our life, i meant that's how i feel about computers we want to be entertaint and navigate in a different world that someone else provide by reading or seeing on the internet.

  11. What the article say is right. We as society are to easily distracted and what information immediately. We don't take time to slow down and get all the fact, No we just get little snip-it of information and then form an opinion about the subjected.

  12. The article feels like it's any other article that I or anyone would read. It's posted on the internet just the same as any other kinds. For some people, the internet is so much faster and easier to use than having to go look for books that may be impossible to get or find and is convenient. For others, books/newspapers/etc. are better for them because they like to stick to the traditional and because they could get more out of reading from a book rather than just by surfing the net and get mini bits and little parts from it. Sometimes I think that it's really about an individual whether they like to read anything or not and therefore doesn't require the use of certain technologies such as the access to the internet or important objects such as a book. But then again I don't really know because technologies are used for many things; either good for us or not.

  13. I agree completely with what the article is talking about. Society today relies so much on computers we practically use them in our sleep. While surfing the web there is so much that you can do and find that you can be entertained for hours on end and have no clue whats going on around you. People have no need to read books any more because they can find whatever they are looking for on the web and its just little bits and you read it so fast you get it for what you are doing and then it's gone again. If the world's computers would all crash right now there is almost no one out there that would know what to do. we would be sent back to the prehistoric age and be lost for ever. So computers are a drug very addicting and hard to stop using.
